App 市場營銷


February 18, 2023
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February 18, 2023

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應用營銷隨著移動應用程式的使用日見蓬勃發展,商家和程式開發人員可能很難跟上不斷更新的官方應用程式營銷政策和應用程式商店的動向。 為建立成功的應用營銷策略,必先了解這個領域內的最新趨勢和策略。 在這裡,您可獲得更多相關資訊,使您的移動應用程式更上一層樓。


Google Play 管理中心的新功能開放應用程式審核過程的控制權(24/1/2023)


Google Play 管理中心正引入新功能,讓開發者能夠更好地控制和靈活地控制應用程式審核流程。 發佈概覽頁面上將出現一個新部分顯示準備發送至審核的變更,任何需要審核的變更將會先列出在此部分,而不是自動發送。 這功能讓開發人員只要準備就緒,就可以同時發送多個變更以供審核。 如果開啟發佈管理功能,變更將在獲得審批後,開發人員就可以隨時發佈它們。 如果關閉發佈管理功能,變更將在獲得審批後自動發佈。 此外,開發人員可以刪除已經送審或準備發佈的變更,從而為他們提供更大的靈活性。


這項新功能旨在增加開發人員在應用程式發佈過程中的可預知度和控制權,因為他們可以按照自己的節奏對應用程式的不同部分進行變更,並明白在準備好之前,變更不會發送至審核或直接發佈。開發人員還可以選擇啟用發佈管理功能以控制這些變更何時發佈。這種功能對突然有改動的或不想變更在某一個時段發布的商家來言,是非常實用。 總體而言,這些新功能使開發人員能夠更好地掌控應用程式審查流程,並能夠自信地發佈應用程式。

Apple 推出 Business Connect 以幫助小型企業(11/1/2023)


Apple 推出了一款名為 Business Connect 的免費工具,讓各大小規模不同的企業能有效管理與自訂對 10 億 Apple 應用程式用戶顯示資料的方法。 企業們可以使用他們現有的 Apple ID 或創建一個新的 Apple ID 在自助服務網站上註冊該服務。 一旦登錄及經 Apple 驗證,他們就可以確認他們的地點位置,更新和自訂他們的地點卡,整個過程不用任何收費。 這工具使企業能夠在 Apple Maps 上管理他們的自訂地點卡,包括更新照片和標誌,邀請客戶採取行動,如直接從地圖上訂購食物或進行預訂,以及向客戶展示特別的推廣活動。


目前美國的商家們可以使用一項名為 Showcases 的新功能,他們能夠向客戶提供優惠和獎勵,例如季節性限定菜單項和產品折扣。 Business Connect 能輔助其他幫助小型企業發展和接觸客戶的 Apple 服務,包括 Tap to Pay 和 Business Essentials,前者讓企業只需輕按 iPhone 即可安全地接受非接觸式付款,而 Business Essentials 是一項以訂閱形式進行的服務,提供裝置管理、24/7 支援和雲端儲存空間。

App Marketing Trends: What Is Buzzing

24 January 2023

Google Play Console is introducing new features to give developers more control and flexibility over the app review process. A new section called “Changes ready to send for review” will appear on the Publishing overview page, where any changes that are subject to review will be listed, instead of being automatically sent. This means that developers can send multiple changes for review together whenever they’re ready. If managed publishing is turned on, changes will appear in the “Ready to publish” section as soon as they’re approved, and developers can publish them whenever they want. If managed publishing is turned off, changes will be published automatically once approved. In addition, developers can remove changes that have already been sent for review or are ready to publish, giving them even more flexibility.
This new functionality aims to add predictability and control to the app publishing process, as developers can make changes to different parts of their app at their own pace, and have confidence that changes won’t be sent for review or published until they’re ready. Developers can also choose to turn on managed publishing to control when approved changes are published, which is useful if plans change or if they don’t want changes to go live at a certain time. Overall, these new features give developers more control over the app review process and the ability to launch with confidence.
Apple Launches Business Connect to Help Small Businesses

11 January 2023

Apple has launched a free tool called Business Connect, which allows businesses of all sizes to manage and customize the way information appears to more than a billion Apple app users. Business owners can use their existing Apple ID or create a new one to register for the service at the self-service website. Once the business has logged in and Apple has verified their credentials, they can claim their location(s) and update and personalize their place card, all for free. The tool enables businesses to manage their interactive place card on Apple Maps, including updating photos and logos, inviting customers to take actions like ordering food or making a reservation directly from Maps, and presenting customers with special promotions.
A new feature called Showcases, currently only available to US businesses, enables businesses to present customers with offers and incentives, like seasonal menu items and product discounts. Business Connect complements other Apple services designed to help small businesses grow and reach customers, including Tap to Pay on iPhone, which enables businesses to securely accept contactless payment through a simple tap to their iPhone, and Business Essentials, a subscription that offers device management, 24/7 support and cloud storage.